What an awesome past couple of weeks! Sadie now has 12 teeth, 4 of which are molars! She is very ahead of the teething schedule but hey! At least we are knocking it all out at once and will be done with it! No dragging it out. Sadie has 11 words in her vocabulary, plays kick ball with daddy, and can point to her teeth when asked where they are as well as point at ducks when asked where they are while making quack quack noises! She doesn't just stack blocks, she actually puts the big legos
together to build them. According to What to Expect the First Year she is at twenty months! I am soo proud of her! (yes this is my brag time about my baby) Everyone keeps asking about her hair color. Well, it truly has every color you can imagine except black. Red, blond, light brown, a few dark brown strands....and the more she is outside in the sun the redder it is becoming! :-) Who knew there was red in the genes?! But I do have uncles and second cousins with red hair so I guess I shouldn't be surprised...plus she
is Irish!
Grandma Kern cam to visit for a week! YEAH! And what a great week it was! Tom and I enjoyed LOTS of extra sleep and being that I only have to work one day this week (Friday), I got all of our "to do" list accomplished! Tom and I also enjoyed a night out to dinner and a show. Jeff Dunham performed here in Savannah and it was FUNNY! I am not really a puppet person but he is uber famous and Tom really wanted to go. We had pretty good seats! And I can honestly say it was hysterical! I would definitely see him again! I know that Grandma Kern and Sadie are well bonded after a whole week together. We just LOVE having family we adore stay with us.
We are getting a nice sized patio poured next weekend, YEAH! And we may go with the stamped concrete look; we will put up pictures when the project is complete.