Sadie and Amy just returned from an amazing trip to CT where Sadie was spoiled by much love and attention from Papa and Bapshi! Tom was on a business trip in NC...but brought lots of gifts back for his two favorite girls that he missed sooo much.
While in CT, Amy and Sadie got to go see LuLu and Tuffy aka Tuff Man Scoop in MA for a day. Amy and Sadie also got to spend time with Ali and Matt and Jenn! They spent a day in Hartford, a day in Polishtown, New Britain, got to enjoy sundaes at Friendly's and a homemade pizza by Papa, lots of walks and fresh air in the beautiful New England weather, and many other adventures. Sadie was once again an excellent traveler and slept on both plane rides!
Now that they are all back together in Savannah.....Sadie came down with another left ear infection. It's a sign we are not meant to live here in Savannah! She is always sick down here and she barely goes to daycare! It has to be allergies or something.
Next week Jenn and David and Rob come down to Savannah for several days to see us and enjoy the warm weather! Can't wait!