We just returned from an AMAZING weekend in Lynchburg, VA for Tom's MBA graduation from Liberty University. The speech made by Ben Stein was AMAZING. I recommend listening to it online. I am SOO proud of him and watching him graduate really inspired me to want to go back myself for my MSN. We stayed with our wonderful friend (more like family) Auntie Lauren and Uncle Keith was there all weekend as well. Grandpa Nordman and Bapshi came down from CT too! We all enjoyed eachothers company. Thank you to everyone who sent a Congratulations card/thought!! And thanks to Auntie Lauren, Uncle Keith and Grandpa and Bapshi for all the Sadie gifts~:-)
While we were in VA, of course we had to drive by the old house.....wow...they have let it GO. It made me soo sad. It was very overgrown. We visited our old co-workers as well. It was GREAT to see everyone! It made us realize just how many special people we had/have in our lives. I must admit I wished while we were there that I didnt have to leave to come back to Savannah......VA felt like home to me....:-(
On a happier note, Sadie and I leave next week to fly to CT to stay with Grandpa and Bapshi for a week while Tom is on another buisness trip in NC. And just a week after that....Great Grandma LuLu is coming to stay with us in Savannah for two months!!! :-)
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