Papa and Bapshi came down in July and we had a great time with them. We enjoyed using their hotel pool with Sadie and we had a GREAT time going out to dinner. (i pretended it was Bapshi's birthday and she got dessert and barbecue sauce...LOL....it was hysterical!)
Tom is still enjoying soccer. He plays on two leagues...YMCA and SuperGoose.
Tom is still enjoying soccer. He plays on two leagues...YMCA and SuperGoose.
Sadie is growing like a weed. She can sing Frera Jacques completely in French word for word. AS well as her ABC's, Row Row Row Your Boat, AND Itsy Bitsy Spider. She is a genious I tell you! She is 19 months old. She counts to five and can count by two's up to eight. Her DR says to keep her engaged and don't let her get bored! Tom and I are going to order that My Baby Can Read system and get her reading. It is an amazing system. Children can read at 11 months old. It is truly something to see and hear!
I still work part time at the hospital and am still a clinical instructor for a local college here in Savannah; which I IMMENSELY love doing!! I like the money too! (cant lie)
LuLu went back to MA this past week. Man, do we miss her like CRAZY! Can't wait till her big move down here in October! She will be the offical Sadie Sitter. LuLu and Sadie are so tight, it's precious to see them together! While she was down here, our family back up north may have suspected us trying to "off" her! LOL She fell, got shingles, and was seen in the ER twice! What an unlucky three months!
Just got back from CT for my best friend Alison's wedding! She married an amazing man named Matt and I hope they have LOTS OF BABIES! :-) It was a gorgeous New England summer day.....the whole trip itself was amazing.....I wish I lived there SOO BAD! :-( We stopped by my Grandfather's grave, ate at our fav place Friendly's, hung out at LuLu's, saw Tuff Man Scoop, went shopping for polish pottery, etc etc etc.
I have also started my MSN which is going smoothly so far. A little stressful at times, but can't wait for it to be over with! I just keep reminding myself it will be SOOOO worth it!
ENJOY THE PICTURES! I know you will!
Looks like you guys had and awesome trip! Alison looked just beautiful!! I can't believe Sadie can do all that stuff already! She really is a genius! Kiah's 15 months and just starting to talk really. Let me know how you like the Your Baby can read. It does look amazing! Thanks for the update! :)