Sunday, January 18, 2009


My "grammy" left to go back home to MA on Saturday. She spent the last month and a half with our family. While we had some trying moments, (mostly due to me being overtired and cranky) was an absolutley wonderful time. From home cooked dinners to ironed pants, shirts and underwear (yes....she ironed tom's boxers); we will miss her greatly. But while we will miss her for the help she gave us in our home, we will miss her mostly for how wonderful she is with Sadie. "LuLu", as Sadie calls her, has a special bond with Sadie. LuLu has a way of calming Sadie down and ALWAYS gets her to fall asleep in two seconds...LuLu was Sadie's best play pal while she was here and Sadie is already missing her!!LuLu has the patience of rock. She truly loves all children with all of her heart and would do ANYTHING for a baby. Some people may take it the wrong way and think that she is too lenient and not strict enough with enforcing rules and behaviors, but it is just that she can't stand to see a baby or child upset. LuLu just had open heart surgery in the fall/winter of 2008 and the woman has more energy than me on a good day. She has gone back to MA to attend all of her MD visits and to make sure everything is still going well. Tom, Sadie and I are looking forward to welcoming LuLu back into our home this fall.

1 comment:

  1. That's so sweet! How nice to have your grammy stay so long. Sadie will be so excited when she comes back in fall!
