Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sadie Walked :-)

Sadie took her first steps on January 22!! She did it for Uncle Jeff...not fair! But the very next day, without any warning or convincing on my part, she just let go of her changing table and walked straight at me with open arms!! I just died of happiness in that moment and I will never forget it! Later that night, when Tom got home from his buisness trip, Sadie also walked to him! Since then, she will walk only when she wants to. We cannot get her to do it when we want her to. She doesn't perform for anyone except herself! What a smart cookie.
Also, no more bottles....:-( Makes me so sad! But it is adorable to see her becoming such a big girl. She is actually doing okay with whole milk, just like her DR said she would. Her digestive system has matured enough to handle the milk proteins. She LOVES yogurt! She can say Dada, Mama, ball, no!, ChooChoo!, and lots more. I thought this past year was amazing but I have a feeling Tom and I are in for another great year!
Sadie has decided also that she HATES a wet or dirty diaper and will change herself if needed. LOL Lets just say poor Tom had a HUGE clean up last Saturday morning while Amy was at work....poop EVERYWHERE. How does a one year old know how to take off a diaper already?? My mom said I used to do that when I was nine months old! Goodness!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet! It's amazing how fast they grow up! She's such a doll! That's really funny about changing her own diaper. Luckily, Halle never cared about being poopy--that's probably why I couldn't get her potty trained til she was 3! I guess it's payback for what you put your mom thru! ;)
