Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trip to CT

Beautiful tree in Bapshi's backyard

View from top of mountain where Papa and Bapshi live

Hanging with Jenn in backyard
Enjoying a blueberry chip doughnut from Dunkin' D's!!
Playing on Papa's boat
Wrestling with Papa

Dancing at LuLu's in MA

Sadie and Amy just returned from an amazing trip to CT where Sadie was spoiled by much love and attention from Papa and Bapshi! Tom was on a business trip in NC...but brought lots of gifts back for his two favorite girls that he missed sooo much.
While in CT, Amy and Sadie got to go see LuLu and Tuffy aka Tuff Man Scoop in MA for a day. Amy and Sadie also got to spend time with Ali and Matt and Jenn! They spent a day in Hartford, a day in Polishtown, New Britain, got to enjoy sundaes at Friendly's and a homemade pizza by Papa, lots of walks and fresh air in the beautiful New England weather, and many other adventures. Sadie was once again an excellent traveler and slept on both plane rides!
Now that they are all back together in Savannah.....Sadie came down with another left ear infection. It's a sign we are not meant to live here in Savannah! She is always sick down here and she barely goes to daycare! It has to be allergies or something.
Next week Jenn and David and Rob come down to Savannah for several days to see us and enjoy the warm weather! Can't wait!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

More Pics from Weekend in VA

Congrats Tom!

It has been some time since our last blog. Lots has happened! Sadie was hospitalized for the second time in her short time here on Earth this past week. She fell violently ill with projectile vomiting, diarrhea, fever, etc. It was odd. It all came down in like two hours. We rushed her to her DR and she was hospitalized immediately. She was dehydrated and needed IV fluids and antibiotics for the bacterial GI infection she had. She vomited ALL over, I mean ALL ALL ALL over the waiting room. It was AWFUL and I felt horrible, but the staff was wonderful about it including her DR who made jokes about how it really is no big deal. :-) That made me feel better. So Sadie spent two days in the hospital recovering and then she was back to her normal self just like that! THANK GOD That poor little girl has had EVERYTHING. But her DR actually reminded me that it's not such a bad thing...when she starts kindergarten, she will be less likely to be sick than most children. We are getting it all over with early. Thank you to everyone who lent your prayers and thoughts for her!
We just returned from an AMAZING weekend in Lynchburg, VA for Tom's MBA graduation from Liberty University. The speech made by Ben Stein was AMAZING. I recommend listening to it online. I am SOO proud of him and watching him graduate really inspired me to want to go back myself for my MSN. We stayed with our wonderful friend (more like family) Auntie Lauren and Uncle Keith was there all weekend as well. Grandpa Nordman and Bapshi came down from CT too! We all enjoyed eachothers company. Thank you to everyone who sent a Congratulations card/thought!! And thanks to Auntie Lauren, Uncle Keith and Grandpa and Bapshi for all the Sadie gifts~:-)
While we were in VA, of course we had to drive by the old have let it GO. It made me soo sad. It was very overgrown. We visited our old co-workers as well. It was GREAT to see everyone! It made us realize just how many special people we had/have in our lives. I must admit I wished while we were there that I didnt have to leave to come back to Savannah......VA felt like home to me....:-(
On a happier note, Sadie and I leave next week to fly to CT to stay with Grandpa and Bapshi for a week while Tom is on another buisness trip in NC. And just a week after that....Great Grandma LuLu is coming to stay with us in Savannah for two months!!! :-)