Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Days at Home

Another day at home with my Princess. She is cutting her first two molars on the bottom, so she has been a bit fussy and in pain. Thank goodness for Motrin and Tylenol! But the two molars are already popping through the gums, so hopefully not too much longer!
Tom's soccer league has finished. They made it to the playoffs undefeated and then lost! :-( He has decided to continue with the outdoor season.
My days are getting monotonous. You can only play inside for so long and then outside for so long. You can only take so many walks. I think Sadie needs a sibling! :-0 Don't get any ideas though people! Not gonna happen for a LOOOOOONG time!
We took Sadie for ice cream with the ice cream money her Bapshi and Grandpa sent. We took her to Coldstone and she ate stawberry ice cream with sprinkles! Yummy!
After lunch today, Sadie ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug EVER! And, I though gee! This is a LOOONG hug!....When I realized she was fast asleep on my shoulder! How sweet! And fast! My heart melted and I will forever remember that moment!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Another WONDERFUL day with my baby girl! Here are some recent photos of Sadie. She loves to wear her princess crown every single night after bathtime until bedtime. She leaves it on and gets upset if it falls off. It was 99 cents at walmart, but it is her favorite thing right now....she IS a Princess afterall!! Thomas plays on an indoor soccer league called SuperGoose and his team "Da Foosball" is number one and undefeated in the league! Go Tom! I am so proud...:-) I have taken Sadie to a couple of his games and she loves it. Sadie cheers on her Daddy even when it is quiet and all the people just laugh! She cheers quite loudly. I think she is such a great cheerleader because she has heard Tom and I during NFL season cheering on our team the great one and only COWBOYS :-) and she picked up a few things. The day has finally come where Skip and Sadie can play together. They play tug of war with his rope. On the area rugs, Skip wins. On the floors, Sadie wins; but he does drag her all over the place!
We are really settling into our neighborhood. Almost all of the homesites are sold and phase two was passed which is great market news. There are several young couples and young families. We have met in particular a young couple with a nine month old baby girl! We will have some play dates set! (the mom's name is Amy too) And so far, all of our neighbors have been so friendly, talkative and nice. They even came to Sadie's birthday party! It seems that a lot of people take walks at the same time everyday with their kids and dogs like we do, so it is nice to socialize and see the progress going on.

Friday, February 6, 2009

To Spank or Not to Spank

To Spank or Not to Spank.....that is the question of the day. Thomas and I decided before we were even pregnant that we would not spank our children. I must say though, that lately with Sadie testing me every second, I have thought about it. But I remain the adult and have not spanked her. I can't stand to see a child being hit. I always look at that adult and think....I do NOT want to be like that. SO impulsive and teaching that if you are mad it is ok to hit. Any advice out there from non spankers? I bought a time out chair. Supposedly you are to put them in time out for the number of minutes that match their age. So far it is working. I get really annoyed when I hear people say that just because you don't spank your child, they will be spoiled. That is their excuse to make themselves feel better about spanking their child. Anyway, just my personal opinion. But I could use some advice on how to help a one year old understand the word No! :-)

P.S. I know this is a touchy subject because many people do spank. It is on my mind because I just witnessed a little 3 or 4 year old boy get beat repeatedly on his butt by his mother and it made me sick to my stomach as I watched him cry telling her to stop.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My beautiful Sadie! We had another wonderful day together. It gets so tiresome, but it is so worth being able to be with her as much as I am. She is truly the love of my life. I am sure all mothers feel this way about their children, hopefully?