Monday, January 12, 2009

Sadie Renee's Baptism

Besides Sadie's First Birthday and First Birthday Party....we also celebrated her baptism this weekend. Her Godfather Uncle Jack (Tom's only brother) flew in from San Jose, CA. Godmother Aunt Kelly (his wife) is 6 months pregnant and unable to travel such a long distance; but she was there in thought and Grandma Kern stepped in to stand in her place during the ceremony. Thank you Grandpa and Grandma Kern for picking out such a LOVELY Irish Baptismal Gown, with matching clover bib and leather shoes. (yes, Sadie is part Irish :-) Tom's mom's maiden name is MALINGER!) Sadie looked like a doll. And a big thank you to Grandpa and Bapshi Nordman for the beautiful engraved cross box and cross; we will hang it in her room and keep the box out of her little hands for now! We could not have picked a better mass for her baptism; the teaching of the mass was about Jesus's baptism! Father Ross performed a beautiful ceremony. The church photographer was also there and is using Sadie's baptism in the church's photo album! :-) After the mass and baptism, all 20 of us headed out to lunch at Paula Deen's restaurant The Lady and Sons....yummy!


  1. Great pictures and a great party. Hey so when you are posting to your blog backspace as much empty space away so you don't have large gaps in your blog. Just thought I'd help. Glad you got the pictures I took. Miss you all already.

  2. Looks like a beautiful ceremony, and yummy meal! Your mom looks so, so happy to be a grandma--it's adorable! Sadie looks like a very loved little girl--she hit the jackpot with bday gifts! Happy birthday, Sadie!

  3. ps I LOVE your dress! You look great!
